Laws and regulations
14 December 2023

Subsidy opportunities for packaging lines

Making plastic packaging more sustainable is increasingly higher on the agenda of many companies. This can be seen in the increasing demand for plastic packaging that is recyclable and/or contains recycled material. This demand is partly driven by measures from the government. Think of available (investment) subsidies or increasing/reducing taxes. As a producer of sustainable plastic packaging, we encourage this development. One of the subsidy options relating to sustainability is a subsidy for adapting your packaging line so that it is more suitable for packaging with sustainable(er) materials.

Sustainable assets grant

Making the packaging line more sustainable may require investment to make necessary changes. The government encourages this and therefore they accommodate companies with national investment subsidies, such as the Environmental Investment Allowance (MIA) and Vamil.

Environmental investment allowance (MIA)

With the Environmental Investment Allowance, or MIA, your business can benefit from an investment deduction of up to 45% of the investment amount. This deduction allows you to reduce your taxable profit. The percentage of up to 45% is in addition to the usual investment deduction. So as a company, by investing in sustainable business assets, the MIA scheme allows you to get a lot of tax benefits, making it even more financially attractive to become sustainable.

Random depreciation of environmental investments (Vamil)

A tax advantage can also be gained with the Random Depreciation of Environmental Investments (Vamil). The Vamil scheme allows you to write off up to 75% of the investment cost. This percentage may be deducted by a time of your choosing, giving you a liquidity and interest advantage.

Who are the MIA and Vamil for?

The MIA and Vamil schemes are not exclusive to large companies in the market. On the contrary, they are there for all companies in the Dutch market that want to invest in sustainable assets and techniques. Whether it is a small company that wants to upgrade its packaging line or a larger company that wants to buy a completely new more sustainable packaging line so that it can move away from, for example, non-recyclable multilayer packaging to recyclable mono-packaging.

Are you planning to take your production process to a more sustainable level by investing in packaging line optimisation? If so, definitely consider looking into the two deductions above, which can give you a substantial benefit.

More information about subsidy schemes on investing in more sustainable production processes for your packaging line? Then take contact with us!

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Theo Schilder
Director of Business Development

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