Welcome to our FAQ page. Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions about our products, services and other topics within our industry. Whether you want to know more about our sustainable packaging solutions, transport and delivery, or certifications, you will find the information you are looking for here.

Product development

Information on developing new customised packaging solutions.

How can KIVO help develop a new packaging solution for my product?

KIVO works closely with customers to develop customised packaging solutions. Our experienced team of technical specialists and product developers provides support from concept to production, ensuring your packaging meets all specifications and requirements. Contact us to make an appointment.

What is the usual lead time for developing new packaging?

The lead time for developing a new packaging varies depending on the complexity and specifications. On average, the process from concept to production takes around 6 to 12 weeks.

Can KIVO design packaging that meets specific technical requirements?

Yes, KIVO can design packaging to meet specific technical requirements such as barrier properties, mechanical strength, and special dimensions. Our team works closely with you to ensure the packaging meets all your requirements.

How does the product development process work at KIVO?

The process starts with a consultation to understand your needs and requirements. We then develop a recipe and produce a test roll. Based on this, we can still make adjustments. After approval, we start production. Throughout the process, we offer technical support and advice.

Stock & Production

Answers to questions about inventory management and production processes at KIVO.

Does KIVO keep packaging products in stock?

No, KIVO does not keep products in stock. All our packaging is custom produced according to our customers' specific needs and requirements.

What is the minimum order (MOQ) at KIVO?

The minimum order (MOQ) at KIVO varies depending on the production method and type of product. Generally, the MOQ is between 500 and 2,500 kg.

Transport & Delivery

Everything you need to know about KIVO's transport and delivery options.

What are the delivery times for KIVO packaging products?

Delivery times for KIVO packaging products vary depending on location and product type. Within Europe, the average delivery time is about 1-2 weeks after production, while delivery outside Europe can take 2-4 weeks.

Does KIVO offer global delivery?

Yes, KIVO offers global delivery. We have experience exporting our products to more than 30 countries worldwide. From Iceland to Singapore.

What transport methods does KIVO use to deliver their products?

KIVO uses various transport methods, including road transport, sea freight and air freight, depending on the destination and urgency of the delivery.

How does KIVO ensure that products are not damaged during transport?

KIVO carefully packs products to ensure they are not damaged during transport. We use high-quality packaging materials and follow strict packaging guidelines to ensure the quality of our products.

Certification and Quality

Information on KIVO's certifications and quality control processes.

What certifications does KIVO have for their packaging products?

KIVO is certified to ISO 9001, BRC Packaging, Blauer Engel, ISCC, LRQA and MyRecycledContent. These certifications confirm that our products meet the highest standards of quality and food safety.

How does KIVO ensure the quality of their products?

KIVO ensures the quality of our products through strict quality control processes and regular audits. We use advanced technologies and methods to ensure that all our products meet our customers' specifications and requirements.

How does KIVO handle quality checks and audits?

KIVO conducts regular quality checks and internal audits to ensure compliance with quality standards. In addition, we are periodically audited by external certification bodies.


Find out how KIVO contributes to a sustainable packaging industry.

How is KIVO contributing to sustainability in the packaging industry?

KIVO contributes to sustainability by using recycled materials, efficient production processes and developing packaging solutions that minimise environmental impact. We are constantly looking for ways to reduce our environmental footprint.

What are PIR and PCR materials and how does KIVO use them in their products?

PIR (Post Industrial Recycled) materials come from industrial waste, while PCR (Post Consumer Recycled) materials come from consumer waste. KIVO uses both types of recycled materials in our products to promote sustainability.

What sustainable methods does KIVO use in their production processes?

KIVO employs several sustainable methods, such as minimising production waste, using energy-efficient machinery and implementing closed-loop recycling processes.

How does KIVO help customers achieve their sustainability goals?

KIVO works closely with customers to develop sustainable packaging solutions that meet their environmental goals. We offer advice and support to implement sustainable initiatives in their packaging processes.

Technical support

All about the technical support KIVO offers for their products.

Does KIVO provide technical support for the use of their packaging products?

Yes, KIVO offers comprehensive technical support for using our packaging products. Our team of experts is ready to help you with questions and technical challenges.

How can I contact KIVO for technical questions or support?

You can contact KIVO for technical questions or support via our contact form on the website, by phone or by e-mail. Our technical specialists are ready to help you.

Orders & Support

All about the technical support KIVO offers for their products.

How can I place an order with KIVO?

You can place an order with KIVO by contacting our sales department via phone, e-mail or the contact form on our website. Our team will be happy to help you.

What are the payment options for orders at KIVO?

KIVO offers several payment options, including bank transfers and other common payment methods. Please contact our sales department for specific details.

How can I track the status of my order?

You can track the status of your order by contacting our sales department. We will be happy to provide you with up-to-date information on your order.

What should I do if I have a problem with my order?

If you have a problem with your order, please contact our sales department. We will do our best to solve the problem quickly and efficiently.

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get in touch

We actively contribute to providing high-quality, sustainable plastic packaging and place great value on open communication with our customers, suppliers, and partners. Whether you have questions about our products, want to learn more about our sustainability initiatives, or are interested in a collaboration, we are ready to assist you.

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Our colleagues will be happy to assist you!

Our team of experts is ready to answer your questions and help you find the best sustainable packaging solutions.

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